Everything You Need to Know About Cam Buckle Straps
Published on 01/12/21
Today we will be going over everything you need to know about the advantages of using Cam Buckle Straps over other traditional tie-down straps such as Ratchet Straps. Let’s begin with everything you need to know about Cam Buckle Straps.
What is a Cam Buckle Strap?
Cam Buckle Straps are one of the main types of Tie Down Straps for cargo securement for pickup trucks, pickup beds, enclosed trailers, pickup trailers, moving vans, and other securement applications. Cam Buckles are used often due to the affordability and the strength they can offer in a matter of seconds for most applications. Cam Buckles can use the same end fitting hardware as other tie-down straps such as popular ratchet straps.
The main difference between these straps is that Ratchet Straps are used for a much heavier and tighter duty securement whereas Cam Buckle Straps are used for applications around the house or with professional movers. One of the benefits of using Cam Buckle Straps is the ability to rarely ever overtighten cargo that could cause potential damage over time.
This creates a great securement for valuable or more sensitive cargo such as antiques for professional movers as it provides you with extra layers of protection. These extra layers of protection that these straps can offer you can greatly help reduce costly insurance claims for clients, as well as the hassle of dealing with extra paperwork that nobody likes to do.
If you are interested in purchasing Cam Buckles for your business securement needs you can view our full selection of Cam Buckle Straps. We look forward to working with your business securement needs! If you need it custom made we have the ability to custom make just about any kind of cam buckle strap in lengths of webbing, the color of webbing, as well as hardware options that fit your needs best. Order online or give our team a call today at 800-444-0956 to get started!
How to Tighten a Cam Buckle Strap Instructions
1). Press the Release Lever to open the Cam Buckle Strap.
2). Slide the strap in through the back of the Cam Buckle hardware and out through the front. – Do not feed through the front of the strap.
3). Tighten the excess slack to the desired strength of your cargo.
4). Once you have reached the desired strength of your Cam Buckle Strap ensure that the Cam Buckle Hardware is completely closed and you are good to hit the road!
Did you know that one of the advantages of using Cam Buckle Straps over Ratchet Straps is that it is very hard to over-tighten your cargo securement? This prevents damage claims and cargo becoming damaged from being over-tightened.
How to Release a Cam Buckle Strap Instructions
1). When you arrive at your next destination and you are ready to release your cargo simply open the Cam Buckle Hardware completely open.
2). Next, pull the webbing back through the Cam Buckle to untighten the excess slack to release the webbing.
3). Once you are done you can store these straps in a safe and dry location to be used at a different point in time.
If you have any questions about your Cam Buckle Straps we are here to help! You can reach us by using our Contact Us form or by giving our experts a call at 800-444-0956 today!

The Differences between Cam Buckle Straps and Ratchet Straps
Cam Buckle Straps use Cam Buckle Tie Down Hardware to clamp the excess polyester tie down webbing into place and is tightened by using hand strength. One of the main benefits of using this tie-down strap is the strap can only be tightened with as much force as you can pull. In most securement applications this prevents the chance of overtightening the cargo which could cause severe damage if you are not careful when removing the slack.

Ratchet Straps utilize Ratchet Tie Down Hardware that flows in one direction creating an incredibly heavy-duty and tight securement. One of the things that Ratchet Straps do best ensures that heavier or oddly shaped cargo does not come undone during transport once the ratchet handle is closed. When you arrive at your destination simply open the Ratchet Hardware flat pull out the excess tie-down webbing and store it in a dry and tangle-free location for its next use.

When it comes to deciding if your application requires a Cam Buckle Strap or a Ratchet Strap the real answer is a personal preference. If you are securing lighter-duty cargo many different times then the speed of a Cam Buckle Strap may be the strap that you prefer. However, if you are in the professional trucking industry or you are transporting heavier cargo you may want to go with a Ratchet Strap for its strength and durability alone.
How to Store Cam Buckle Straps
When it comes to storing tie-down straps there is not usually a one-way method that works for all as different quantities, lengths of webbing, and hardware can make doing such difficult. However, one thing is in common with storing Cam Buckle Straps and that is to avoid direct sunlight, avoid any chance of the straps rubbing together causing friction, and store in a dry location away from moisture can greatly help your odds of your straps lasting for longer.
When tie-down straps are stored improperly you run into the risk of moisture-causing mold that weakens the fibers of the webbing, as well as direct sunlight over time, which can also cause sun fade. One of the things you will want to keep an eye out for is straps laying on top of each other or sharp edges around your tie-down straps going down the road when they are in use and out of use as well. This can cause friction which generates heat from rubbing against each other or sharp edges causing cuts or burns that could require you to purchase new tie-down straps if you are not careful.

Another alternative option would be to use our Shippers Supplies Tie Down Strap Carrying Bag. that can quickly store straps in the back of a trailer, moving van, or pickup truck to keep your straps longer lasting. This bag is extremely cost-effective and great for those who ship cargo often.
If you have any questions regarding Cam Buckle Straps, Ratchet Straps, or other custom-made tie-down straps you can give our experts a call at 800-444-0956 or by using our Contact Us page located at the top of the website if you prefer using email communications.