2" Custom Lasso Strap with O-Ring

Web Breaking Strength — 12,000 lbs
Ring Breaking Strength — 10,000 lbs
Working Load Limit — 3,335 lbs
These straps are made to order, choose options carefully.
Lasso straps are very versatile and are the choice strap for many car haulers. These car tie down straps are light weight and easy to store. Lasso straps are also easy to use. Just feed the strap around, then back through the o-ring, then secure the strap with a ratchet. They can be used around the outside of the tire or through the wheels.
Need a different length? Call us, we make any length!
If you are interested in RED webbing, please call 800-444-0956.
Click here to check out our selection of Car Tie Down Ratchets!